Yamaha is not as forthcoming with their year of manufacture vs. Serial number lists as some other contemporary makers. There are some speculative lists that have been compiled privately to aid in approximating the year of manufacture online, including the following. Serial numbers can be used to identify supposedly “better” instruments. It is sometimes (possible erroneously) supposed that five digit MKVIs are the best. Or you want to play a horn with a number that is close to your idol’s saxophone.

15 (before 1963) • No. 20A (before 1963/after 1963) • No. 40 (c.1958) • No. 80 (before 1963) • S-20 • S50 / S-50 (after 1963) • S70 / S-70 (after 1963) • No.

To invoke my favorite saying developed during thirty year of used car selling--'It is what it is!' You want head spinning, go research sixties Gibson guitars!! My YTS 61 which I bought new in 1978 in Arizona has an A after the serial # (the number is on the lower part of the back of the body). It has a purple logo stamp with Yamaha and Japan under it, surrounded by engraving on the right side of the bell and full engraving on the front and both sides of the bell down to where the bell is connected to the crook of the body.The number is 0121xxA. Japan is not engraved on the horn at all, just indicated by the printed on Purple Logo.

Or you want to play a horn with a number that is close to your idol’s saxophone. Why do people sometimes mask the last three digits of a serial number?

My YTS 61 which I bought new in 1978 in Arizona has an A after the serial # (the number is on the lower part of the back of the body). It has a purple logo stamp with Yamaha and Japan under it, surrounded by engraving on the right side of the bell and full engraving on the front and both sides of the bell down to where the bell is connected to the crook of the body.The number is 0121xxA.

• (in Japanese). • (in Japanese). • (in Japanese).

Archived from on 4 April 2011. Jp.yamaha.com (in Japanese). Yamaha Corporation. From the original on 28 June 2015. Retrieved 4 August 2015.

This is why I have started these databases of user submitted serial numbers. By combining production years, serial number ranges, used sales dates as well as CONFIRMED new sales or production dates (assertained throughed Yamaha) it should be possible to extrapolate an approximate manufacture date. The strength of this information is only as strong as the data included in the lists.

Yamaha Corporation. From the original on 28 June 2015. Retrieved 4 August 2015. Yamaha Corporation of America. From the original on 3 July 2015. Retrieved 4 August 2015.

From the original on 3 November 2017. Retrieved 7 May 2018. Sound On Sound. Archived from on 8 April 2015. Sound On Sound. Archived from on 8 June 2015. Soun On Sound.

Bundy Saxophone Serial Numbers

(March 2011) [ ] • Routers • Switches • Firewalls • Software for Networking Products Semiconductors [ ] [ ] • • Yamaha Super Intelligent Sound Processor PSG/SSG • / / YMZ294 / YMZ284 / YMZ285 (SSG) — variants, adopted by (1985) standard. OPL • (OPL) • (OPLL) — chip, adopted by (1988) & (1990) standards.

• www.yamaha.com/pianos/ • ^ [An epoch new musical instrument was developed by a young engineer Mr.Yamashita in Hamamatsu]. (in Japanese). From the original on 12 March 2012. • ^ [ New Electric Musical Instrument — Introduction of Magna Organ] (in Japanese).

It is rumoured that there is a scam, by which somebody who acquires your serial number can then claim the instrument is theirs. This may just be paranoia as I have never heard of this happening, nor can I understand how it could happen.

I got the Cannonball because it played similar to my VI and to a Keilwerth SX90R. But it was several thousand dollars cheaper than the Keilwerth. The Cannonball is made in Taiwain but ADJUSTED in Salt Lake City, Utah by the owner of Cannonball & his staff. I tried them at the Sax Symposium at GMU near Wash DC for 2 yrs in a row. Navy wise I just used their horns for big band (alto & bari) my horn for Jazz Combo (I was the leader so I had a say in controlling the environment we played in. Man I could tell you stories but another time).

That in effect ruined all those beautiful sounding Mk VI saxes. Really sad story but it’s true. That my friends is your tax dollars at work. • March 18, 2012 @ 11:21 am.

From the original on 1 December 2011. Keep Sound Production. From the original on 30 June 2010. (images) References [ ]. Yamaha Corporation of America. From the original on 16 July 2014.

From the original on 18 October 2011. Yamaha Corporation. From the original on 22 December 2010.

You can help. (March 2011) [ ] • Routers • Switches • Firewalls • Software for Networking Products Semiconductors [ ] [ ] • • Yamaha Super Intelligent Sound Processor PSG/SSG • / / YMZ294 / YMZ284 / YMZ285 (SSG) — variants, adopted by (1985) standard.

When I told Jon that he stated that he would straighten Mark out on that matter! We have seen on this forum that information, true or not, gets woven into our internet fabric of knowledge. I think some (especially younger) employees of these instrument companies may possibly be influenced by this 'knowledge'! Jon was sure by the serial number that our horn was made before 1989-1990 where, as we have heard before, Yamaha's records devolve into shadows and speculation. His guess was early 80s, my daughter and I deduced that we bought it in about 1988.

ギターをひこう [Let's play the guitar!] (in Japanese). From the original on 3 July 2015. ダイナミックブレーシングとはヤマハ ダイナミックギターに採用された 伊藤翁介氏が考案した です / NO.40の です このラインはトップ、バックともに裏側が薄く塗装してあります / 高音弦側の一つは切り欠きが施してあります See also:, 24 July 2015 at the. (jpg), and 24 July 2015 at the. • (in Japanese).: Easy Guitars (used guitar shop). From the original on 24 July 2015.

3djuegos. From the original on 30 June 2010. (images) References [ ].

25 (c.1964) • No. 45 (c.1964) • No.

The Ultimate Amiga Buyer's Guide '94. Sound On Sound. Archived from on 7 June 2015. Yamaha Corporation of America. From the original on 1 March 2011. • (in Japanese).

(in Japanese).,: Player Corporation. From the original on 7 July 2011. From the original on 4 March 2016. Retrieved 7 May 2018.

Soun On Sound. January 1995.

• • • • Selmer Serial Number Ranges By Model Although, as the chart below illustrates, the Mark VI was produced until (roughly) serial #378000, this applies only to the Sopranino model. The Soprano, Baritone and Bass Mark VI saxophones were produced until serial #365000 in 1984, and Alto and Tenor Mark VI production ended (approximately) in 1975 at serial #239,595. Super Action 80 Series II, Series III and Reference horns are currently in production. Model Start # End # 1 (1904) 750 (1920) 750 (1922) 4,450 (1926) 4,451 (1926) 14,000 (1931) 11,951 (1928) 18,700 (1935) 14,000 (1931) 28,000 (1939) 20,900 (1935) 35,800 (1947) 27,000 (1938) 30,000 (1941) 33,401 (1946) 55,200 (1954) 55,201 (1954) 378,000 (1985) 231,000 (1974) 315,500 (1981) 315,501 (1981) 378,800 378,801 (1986) unknown unknown (2001) unknown.

Yamaha Saxophone Serial Number

[VD68670] 88 04 0 1 R2. From the original on 18 April 2015. • 8-Bit Keys (15 May 2016). From the original on 10 August 2017.

Ushigome Pan (in Japanese). From the original on 18 April 2015.

• (in Japanese). Further reading [ ] • 'Yamaha QY8'. Future Music. Future Publishing. • 'Yamaha QY300'. Future Music. Future Publishing.

Whilst other wind manufactures have issued serial numbers to their musical instruments in a consecutive chronological fashion, Yamaha appears to have issued their serial numbers in a less logical sequence. This makes dating a Yamaha wind instrument from its serial number a difficult task. As a general rule Yamaha can look up a particular instrument in their database upon request and provide a date. Unfortunately this does not hold true for the older Yamaha wind instruments. It seems that, by Yamahas own admission, their records from prior to 1982 are very limited. For owners of older instruments, knowledge of production year spans, or an original receipt is as close to knowing an exact as possible. This is why I have started these databases of user submitted serial numbers.

• YM3016 (DAC-GD) — used with YM2608 (OPNA), YM2610 (OPNB), etc. • (DAC) — used with YMF278 (OPL4) Video chips [ ] • — chip, adopted by MSX2 (1985) standard. • — chip, adopted by MSX2+ & MSX TurboR standards.

January 1995. Archived from on 6 June 2015. ASCII (in Japanese). ASCII Corporation (June 1982). From the original on 4 January 2013. • (in Japanese).

Doron • Nels April 26, 2012 @ 12:23 pm. Yamaha in general produces bright sounding equipment. That goes for their musical instruments as well as electronics as well. Although they make quality products-in most cases at least- I do believe its an issue of taste and design preference with them and other Japanese products.

• (in Japanese). • (in Japanese). • (in Japanese). • (in Japanese). • (in Japanese). • (in Japanese). • (in Japanese).

It gives me room to play with. Okay so now I take the Green Line barrel and put it on the Yamaha clarinet. I warm up again on the Yamaha and then play it into the tuner. Low and behold the pitch is a perfect, dead center A – 440. All the other notes seem to line up better too.

Future Publishing. External links [ ] Wikimedia Commons has media related to.

Please note that many of the items listed here are no longer in production. This is a nice Yamaha YAS-23 alto sax. A list of products made by Yamaha Corporation. Please note that many of the items listed here are no longer in production. I kept having to go over and over the same spot to try and get the.

Whenever you see a serial number underlined, you can likely click on it. I've got lots more pictures than I have put links to here. Some general info about There are now three tables on this page. 1) The first has actual serial numbers that I have seen.

Tried again yesterday, and got 'Jon' as he answers. Very nice, enthusiastic, and free with his time. He says that the 'A' is simply part of the serial number, and DOES NOT denote made in American or anything!! Any letters as a prefix might denote country of origin, especially on modern horns, but not so on the A suffix. There can be, however, an A suffix to the model number (i.e. YTS 23A) but this would only appear on the box, for warehouse purposes, not on the horn. Thus older horns could go out before those made in a now new location.

In 1964, Yamaha began the research and development process that led to the design and production of all the saxophone models. Three years later, in 1967, the first saxophones to bear the Yamaha logo were brought to market, the alto and tenor models; YAS/YTS-61 and the YAS/YTS-31. In 1969, our first baritone sax, the YBS-61 was also launched closely followed by the YAS and YTS-21 in the next year. Yamaha began the full-scale development of Wind instruments in 1963. Employing traditional techniques backed by a scientific approach to manufacture, we have gained an enviable reputation for making some of world's top quality products. Research into the science of acoustics, which started in around 1967, was applied to allow fine-tuning of a saxophone's body architecture. Meanwhile, computer simulation facilitated the accurate positioning of keys and tone-holes to achieve new levels of accuracy in intonation.

I also hope that this collected data will reveal some inconsistencies in the way Yamaha mark and identify particular models. The Yamaha SAXOPHONE Serial Number Database can be found here: Saxophone Cheers YamahaCollector. After seeing this thread and another dealing with the previously unknown to me plant in Grand Rapids, MI, I was astonished to think my daughter's YAS 52 'purple logo' (on semi-permanent loan until I die) was 'made' in the US. An 'A' suffix a bit to the right of the serial number seemed to denote 'America'.

Archived from on 6 June 2015. (in Japanese).,: Player Corporation.

So after 2 weeks the Yamaha Rep comes back and I get a chance to meet with him. My building is still a cool 72 degrees. I told him I liked the sound of the horn and the concept of the notch in the bell. I said the horn really projects.

By combining production years, serial number ranges, used sales dates as well as CONFIRMED new sales or production dates (assertained throughed Yamaha) it should be possible to extrapolate an approximate manufacture date. The strength of this information is only as strong as the data included in the lists.

25 (c.1964) • No. 45 (c.1964) • No. 60 (c.1964) • No. 85 (c.1964) • No.100 (c.1967) • No. 120 (c.1964) • No. 300 (c.1964) [ ] F series • F-310 • F-315 • F-325 • F-335 TBS • F-370 • F-D01 • FD01S • F-D02 FG series label colors: R,R2:red label, G,G2:green label, B:black label body shapes: folk / '68jumbo / jumbo / new jumbo / HQ jumbo / yamaha jumbo / semi-jumbo / western / yamaha western. • FG-75 (c.1969R2, slightly small (length 40')) • FG-75 1 • FG-110 (c.1968R, folk) • FG-120F (1974/1975 size 00 Black Label) • FG-130 (1972G, folk) • FG-140 (c.1969R, '68jumbo) • FG-150 / FG-150F (c.1968R/1974B, folk) • FG-151 / FG-151B (1976/1978, western) • FG-152 (1976, folk) • FG-160 (1972G, jumbo) • FG-170 (1972G, folk) • FG-180 (c.1968R, '68jumbo) • FG-180J (1974B, jumbo) • FG-200 / FG-200J (1972G/1974B, jumbo) • FG-200F (1974B, folk) • FG-200D (1981, yamaha western) • FG-201 / FG-201B (1976/1978, western) • FG-202 / FG-202B / FG-202D (1976/1978/1981, folk) • FG-220 (c.1969R2, '68jumbo).

DD-65 Digital Drum Kit (2007) DD series digital percussion • DD-3 (1993, 2 pads) • DD-5 (1988, 4 pads) • DD-6 / DD-7 (1990/1992, 4 pads) • DD-10 (1988, 8 mini pads, stereo speaker) • DD-9/DD-9M (1994, 4 pads) • DD-11/DD-12/DD-14 (1991/1993, 8 pads) • DD-20/DD-20S/DD-20C (1995, 4 pads) • DD-35 (2001, 4 pads) • DD-45 / YDD-40 (2010 export model) • DD-50 (1996 export model?) • DD-55 / DD-55C (2001/2004, 7 pads) • DD-65 (2007, 8 pads) • DD-75 (2016, 8 pads) Brass instruments [ ] [ ] • YCR-233 • YCR-2310II • YCR-2330II • YCR-6330S • YCR-8335 • YCR-8620S • YCR-9435 [ ]. YSL denotes any Alto, Tenor, Compact or Valve trombone YBL denotes any Bass trombone Dis. = Discontinued Models Student Range • YSL-154 • YSL-352 (Dis.) • YBL-322 (Dis.) • YSL-354 • YSL-354G Compact Trombones • YSL-350C Valve Trombones • YSL-354V Intermediate Trombones • YSL-445G • YSL-446G • YSL-447G • YSL-448G • YBL-421G Professional Trombones • YSL-610 • YSL-620 • YSL-630 • YSL-640 • YBL-620G Custom Jazz Trombones • YSL-691Z (Dis.) • YSL-697Z (Dis.) • YSL-891Z • YSL-897Z Xeno Trombones • YSL-881 • YSL-881G • YSL-882 • YSL-882G • YSL-882O • YSL-882GO • YSL-882OR • YSL-882GOR • YBL-822G • YBL-830 Custom Alto Trombones • YSL-871 • YSL-872 [ ]. Vienna Horn YHR-601 • YHR-567 • YHR-601 • YHR-667 • YHR-667V • YHR-668 • YHR-668II [ ] • YEP-201[S] • YEP-321[S] • YEP-621[S] • YEP-642[S] • YEP-842[S] [ ] • YBH-301S • YBH-621S • YBH-301M (Marching Baritone) [ ] • YAH-203 • YAH-602 [ ] • YFH-231 • YFH-2310 • YFH-631 • YFH-731 • YFH-631G • YFH-6310Z • YFH-731 ( Dis.) • YFH-8310Z • YFH-8310G [ ] in BBb • YBB-103 ( Dis. YAS-61 (1969), YAS-62 (1979), YAS-62 (1994), YAS-62II (2003), YAS-62III (2013) • YAS-21 (Yamaha's first student-grade alto sax) • YAS 22 (same as 21 body and key work, more copper look lacquer) • YAS-23 (student-grade instrument which replaced the YAS-21) • YAS-25 (identical to YAS-23, but has a high F# key and improved octave-key mechanism) • AS-100 (identical to YAS-23.

Yamaha Saxophone Serial Number Lookup

Princess maker 2 english patch. • (in Japanese). • (in Japanese). • (in Japanese). • (in Japanese). Electric guitar catalogs •.

That means that the YAS-23 sequential serial numbers are not a continuation of the sequential YAS-21 serial numbers. The YAS-23's have big 3-tuning-forks in circle emblem on top, with YAMAHA below and JAPAN below that. Serial numbers begin with a 0? The YAS-23's have a smaller emblem in front of the YAMAHA on the same line, followed by JAPAN on the line below. Serial numbers starting with a 0 or 1? The YAS-23's have big 3-tuning-forks in circle emblem on top, with YAMAHA below.

Or the YAS-875EX? I’ve heard good things about both, and I’m leaning towards the YAS-875EX. Any suggestions? (I also am in the jazz band, if that makes any difference) • antonius smink April 16, 2014 @ 2:07 pm.

From the original on 22 December 2010. Retrieved 6 March 2011. • (in Japanese). Yamaha Corporation.

Larry W • March 20, 2012 @ 8:27 pm. Doron: The standard of A – 440 is the result of a treaty that was drawn up in 1914. Before that instruments were made with pitches all over the place. I’m sure you have heard of the high pitch saxophones. From reading Paul Cohen’s Vintage Saxophone column in Saxophone Journal it appears that prior to 1914 the pitch could have been anywhere from A – 438 or lower to A – 448 or even higher.

• (in Japanese). • (in Japanese). • (in Japanese).

Take care and nice site, I’m digging it. Larry W • March 19, 2012 @ 8:38 pm. Doron: Okay so the Yamaha Product Rep/Sales Rep comes to our Navy Band around ’04 in the summer. They are trying to convince the Navy Music Program to buy more of their instruments. So he unloads every woodwind and brass instrument they make. All of a sudden we have new saxes, clarinets, trumpets, flutes, piccolos, trombones, euphoniums and sousaphones to try out for 2 weeks. The boss (our Band Officer) says to give them a blow during rehearsals and on gigs.

Very nice, enthusiastic, and free with his time. He says that the 'A' is simply part of the serial number, and DOES NOT denote made in American or anything!! Any letters as a prefix might denote country of origin, especially on modern horns, but not so on the A suffix. There can be, however, an A suffix to the model number (i.e.

(see also 18 April 2015 at the.) • ^. Ushigome Pan (in Japanese). From the original on 18 April 2015. From the original on 7 December 2011. — including 26 April 2012 at the. (in Japanese).,: Player Corporation. From the original on 7 July 2011.

• (in Japanese). Further reading [ ] • 'Yamaha QY8'.

From the original on 30 June 2010. (images) References [ ]. Yamaha Corporation of America. From the original on 16 July 2014. Retrieved 28 July 2014. Yamaha USA site. From the original on 12 June 2012.

Concert Classic • gc 60 (c.1968) • Concert Classic 80 (c.1968) • Concert Classic 100 (c.1968) • Concert Classic 120 (c.1968) • Concert Classic 150 (c.1968) C series (S = small body model) • C-30S (c.1984, small body) • • C-50S (c.1984, small body) • C-170A (c.1984) • C-200A (c.1984) • C-250A (c.1984) • C-300A (c.1984) • C-400A (c.1984) Grand Concert Classic • CG-150 (c.1968) • CG-180SA (c.1966) CG series • CG-100A • CG-101A • CG-120 • CG-120A • CG-151 • CG-171SF GD series • GD-10[C] (1990) • GD-20[C] (1990) • GD-20[E][CE] (1992). G series Model Years MSR Description • G50A 1969-72 $69.50 • G60A 1969-73 $79.50 • G65A 1972-74 $95.50 • G70A 1969-72 $-.-- • G80A 1969-74 $75.00 • G85A 1970-72 $89.50 • G90A 1967-74 $125.50 • G100 1967-76 $79.00 • G100A 1970-72 $99.50 • G120A 1970-76 $142.50 • G130A 1969-76 $119.50 • G150A 1970-76 $166.50 • G160?-1977-? $---,-- Solid top 658mm scale • G280A 1972-74 $300 • 1977-81 $265.00 Solid Spruce Top, 658 mm scale • G-245Sii 1981-1985 $-.-- • G-250S 1977-1981 $290 Solid Spruce Top • G255S 1977-81 $360.00 Solid Spruce Top • G255Sii 1981-85 $375.00 Solid Cedar Top • G-260S 1981-85 $xxx.xx Concert Guitar Steel and nylon string option guitars [ ] Dynamic Guitar. 30 (1950s) • No.

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