The Mountain Barbarians are supposed to be bad guys, too, but the book poorly describes why they're bad. They're 'surly and treacherous,' trade with goblins and ogres, hate and fear the 'strong-hearted' nation of Solamnia, and 'lack the imagination to believe they need anything more than what their squalid lives offer.' If anything they sound xenophobic more than anything.

As I say the PDF's of all three volumes (green cover vol1. Community / Forums / Gamer Life / Gaming / D&D / 3.5/d20/OGL / Dragonlance: All Messageboards. Dragonlance Campaign Setting (2003), by Margaret Weis and Don Perrin with Jamie Chambers and Christopher Coyle, is the core campaign book for Dragonlance under D&D 3.5e. It was published in August 2003 for the first Gen Con Indy. Thirty years ago this March, the world of Krynn debuted in the Dragonlance series of adventures and novels. There have been quite a few twists and turns in the years since, but Dragonlance remains one of D&D’s most innovative settings. Complete list of all D&D spells, rulebooks, feats, classes and more!

Aside from the source material, it contains an adventures wherein the heroes go on a quest to save a major elven city. Rise of the Titans [ ] • Rules required: or Advanced Dungeons & Dragons. • Author: Richard Dakan. • First published: 2000.

They are of clan Aghar (Anguished), and are one of the 3 comic relief races of Dragonlance and thus hated by a lot of gamers. Basically gully dwarves are believed to be the result of gnome-dwarf interbreeding in the distant Age of Dreams, inheriting the worst traits of both. They earned their name for their poor status and living conditions.

As wizards draw their magic from the Moons, ones with the Wizard of High Sorcery PrC have their magical power fluctuate with their patron moon. Basically the fuller the moon the better, and the less full the less powerful. During the waxing and waning periods around the quarter moon (half-full) they have normal caster level, but during High Sanction (waxing and waning gibbous and full) they cast at +1 Caster Level and +1 to Save DCs of their spells.

It bestows a negative level on any non-arcane caster who wields it. Oddly, it seems to exhibit different qualities depending upon who wields it, but this is not reflected in game stats. The Dagger of Magius is a +3 silver dagger which can never be discovered through magical or mundane searches while on a mage's person.

Slavery, blatant racism, stereotypical religious zealotry? All done by both the forces of Good and Evil in Dragonlance at various points in time. In a weird way, Neurality's stance makes sense, but only by making 'Good' no really good, if you get my drift. Flavor and Tone We get a broad brush of Dragonlance's themes here. Basically, epic fantasy. Dragons are not mere monsters who skulk in caves, but guide the fate of nations indirectly and choose sides in legendary battles. Most humanoids of Krynn have a sense of greatness beyond their own individual lives: the elves have a great legacy and must struggle with the loss of their homelands; the draconians are now a free people with their own nation, free to make their own destiny; the dwarves re-conciliate old traditions with a changing world beyond their mountain homes.

Also, Dargonesti have such a fearsome reputation as aquatic warriors that many sailors fear them more than sharks! Sea elves of both varieties have standard elf traits, plus they can swim as fast as a human walks on land and can breathe underwater and sense their depth intuitively. They are instead proficient with the trident, net and longspear, and while they can live on land they dehydrate quickly and suffer penalties on rolls if they don’t soak in water for an hour or two.

The traits are very flavorful and make the sea elves the most unique of the bunch. Gnomes are the tinkers and inventors of Krynn. Originally they were human worshipers of Reorx changed into gnomes by said deity for their arrogance. Today gnomes pursue all manner of scientific innovation in their home of Mount Nevermind, a dormant volcano.

A fireshadow can also shoot out an invisible Ray of Oblivion every 1d4 rounds which deals a massive amount of damage (13d6) and disintegrates creatures reduced to 0 hit points by it. Fireshadows also take damage in sunlight and have their actions slowed. It's Challenge Rating 10. The creature's rather underwhelming for its CR, with a small assortment of offensive capabilities going for it. We also have a 1st-level Minotaur warrior statblock, which tells a little more of their society: most of them compete annually in the great Circus to prove their worth, their society is gender-egalitarian, a few rebellious ones worship Kiri-Jolith, and they enjoy art and leisurely activities once in a while.

All of them also have their own death throes. Aurak Draconians are created from Gold Dragon eggs, and are superb arcane spellcasters (they make for natural sorcerers). An aurak isn't very impressive physically, but they can fire energy rays (supernatural abilities which can be used infinitely) as ranged touch attacks, cast spells as 8th-level sorcerers, and 3 times per day each can cast disguise self, dimension door, or polymorph (small or medium animal only) as spell-like abilities. They can also use greater invisibility at will.

Cite error: Invalid tag; name 'SC' defined multiple times with different content (see the ). • ^ Schick, Lawrence (1991).

The priesthood is more centralized and widespread than the other Gods of Good (with the exception of Paladine), and is led by the Chosen Prophet who is served by a council of priests representing various regions of Ansalon. They hate Morgion and his faithful, who seek to spread disease and decay.

War of the Lance Campaign (3.5) Sovereign Press grabbed the rights to Dragonlance and called on Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman to revise the original adventures for D&D d20. The original modules were plot heavy and could put the players on a bit of a railroad which this revision has tried to fix as much as possible. Play through the Chronicles novels in three mega adventures set in the War of the Lance era. I would look at these as your first stop for running a short adventure or War of the Lance campaign.

The draconians in particular are pretty cool, and the Death Knight template is perfect for a major NPC villain. Next time, Chapter 8: Dragons of Krynn! That's right, dragons are so special that they get their own chapter!

This phenomenon is referred to as the River of Souls. Additionally, the Ethereal Plane is but a smaller part of the greater place, the Ethereal Sea, which stretches beyond even the Gods' imaginings. The Gods of Good Paladine is the Lawful Good god of metallic dragons, good, law, light, and protection.


They tend to fight on the side of the underdogs when one group becomes too powerful (for example, they aligned against Takhisis' Dragon Empire during the War of the Lance). People seeking to become clerics (or druids) must find within themselves a deep, abiding faith with one of the gods. They must then find a priest in good standing with that deity and prove their worth. The tests usually differ: for example, Mishakal might require one to look after the poor, sick, and old, while Sargonnas might require an applicant to take revenge against their hated enemy. If they are deemed worthy, a cleric creates a Medallion of Faith as proof of the new clerics' pact with the deity. They must live by the deity's tenets or risk falling out of favor.

Shinare's the Lawful Neutral (that's a first!) goddess of commerce, industry, and wealth. Her followers are mercenaries, merchants, and traders. Her clerics are hard-working and industrious, and often use their business acumen for community growth. They must also pay their taxes and tithes on time, and taught not to pursue shady and selfish business practices which can lead to widespread suffering (that's Hiddukel's domain).

Steel became the valued metal, and steel pieces the standard currency of Krynn. A steel piece is equivalent to one gold piece in other D&D settings, but copper pieces retain their base value. Gold pieces in Ansalson are worth 1/40th of a steel piece, silver 1/20th (why silver's more valuable than gold, I don't know.

The must find out why 's dragons have lost the respect of Krynn's population and why they have been disappearing. DLE2: Dragon Magic [ ] • Rules required: AD&D 2nd Edition • Author: • First published: 1989; DLE2 Dragon Magic was written by Rick Swan, with a cover by, and was published by TSR in 1989 as a 64-page booklet with a large color map and an outer folder. • Description: Dragon Magic is a scenario where the take a journey to a cloud city, get sent through a portal to 's moon of Lunitari, and stop the forces of evil from slaying the Celestial Dragon of Neutrality. DLE3: Dragon Keep [ ] • Rules required: AD&D 2nd Edition • Author: • First published: DLE3 Dragon Keep was written by Rick Swan, with a cover by Jack Pennington, and was published by TSR in 1990 as a 64-page booklet with a large color map and an outer folder. • Description: Dragon Keep is a adventure scenario which is the climax of the trilogy started with In Search of Dragons and Dragon Magic.

• Coyle, C: 'Key of Destiny', back cover. Sovereign Press, 2004. • Banks, C: 'Spectre of Sorrows.'

• Description: Rise of the Titans contains information about the culture of the ogres of the Dragonlance campaign setting, as well as their two main nation of Blode and Kern. It contains information on using ogres as. It also deals with a new ogre race called Titans, huge and intelligent ogres who believe they know how to restore ogre society.

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All of them can also cast spells as 1st-level sorcerers, which stack with existing sorcerer levels. They also gain widely varying bonuses to their ability scores depending upon the Overlord (white dragonspawn gain a piddly +2 Strength and Constitution, while the mighty Reds gain +8 Strength, +6 Constitution, +4 Charisma, and +2 everything else).

A challenge type awards experience points equivalent to an encounter of a Challenge Rating from -2 (simple) to +2 (formidable) of the Average Party Level. Mission goals are bonus experience in line with the aims of an individual PC or the party at large. They are separated into Personal and Party Goals, and those are separated into Minor and Major Goals.

It grants +1 to +3 Challenge Rating based upon the Overlord (from weakest to strongest type of dragon). Overall Dragonspawn is a powerful template to add: flight, minor spellcasting, a breath weapon, and potentially big bonuses to ability scores is a nice package for most monsters. Fetches are evil outsiders from the Abyss which can only enter Krynn via reflective surfaces such as mirrors and ponds. In their natural forms they are black shadows which are nevertheless solid, and their very touch can drain energy (touch attack which deals 1d4 damage and 2 negative levels).

And lastly, the PCs should become embroiled in the fate of nations and embroiled in the gods' affairs, especially at higher levels. A sense of grandness permeates Dragonlance and its people.

Since the spell lasts 1 minute per level, it's great for multi-weapon fighting builds! Unbinding is a 9th level sorcerer/wizard spell and of the Liberation domain. It creates a 180 area burst radius, ending the effects of all forms of magical effects which contain, constrain, seal, and control. It negates charm and dominate effects of all types, spells with a duration longer than instantaneous which create physical and magical barriers, and ends the effects of magical spells which hold other spells within them (such as imbue with spell ability). It does not effect purely protective spells (protection from arrows, etc) or anti-magic fields, and only works on geas/quest if their caster level is greater than the caster of geas. Unbinding is powerful in that it does not allow for a saving throw, and its effects are very versatile and open-ended. And guess what, it requires no costly experience points or material components (lodestone and saltpeter)!

Every day is a new opportunity for adventure, every locked door a beckoning to find out what’s behind it, every neat-looking object to be fondled and absent-mindedly forgotten in their pocket without any regard to its original owner. On that last note, this bit of Kender behavior is known as “borrowing.” Hickman and Weis were uncomfortable with having a traditional greedy thief character in their story, so instead they made Tasslehoff Burrfoot and the kender. When a kender finds something cool, they appropriate something which captures their eye. The concept of private property and privacy are alien to their minds, and they get so easily distracted they constantly forget what they took. They resent accusations of thievery, and have a handy list of excuses for why someone’s item ended up in their possession (such as “I was keeping it safe in my possession. You never know when somebody might steal it.”) It’s implied that this behavior is inherent to their race and not the result of cultural conditioning, meaning that any attempts to teach them will be fruitless. Kender also don’t really feel fear, although they understand that certain behavior might result in their deaths.

If your players are all Dragonlance experts you can visit Taladas, another continent on Krynn located northeast of Ansalon. What Age Should I Choose? Dragonlance is a campaign world with lots of history and you can play in one of the following ages: • The gods are created and go to war. They populate the world with their creations. • Civilization emerges and Huma defeats the Dark Queen.

Before we get into that, we have a list of creatures not suitable/native to Ansalon: driders, drow elves, halflings, lycanthropes (those three moons will drive'em crazy!), mind flayers, orcs and half-orcs, and titans. Otherwise the Monster Manual creatures can be used pretty freely.

She is very popular throughout Ansalon, as her clerics actively part in bettering their local communities and tending to the old, the injured, the sick, and other people unable to care for themselves. They're part not to withhold divine healing from everyone, even those of evil alignment, although their churches accept tithes in exchange for service for those who can afford it.

Cook, Richard A. Knaak, Douglas Niles, and others. Most were set after the War of Souls and continued to push Krynn’s timeline forward. Wizards also returned to gaming in the world of Krynn with the Dragonlance Campaign Setting (2003), by Margaret Weis and Don Perrin.

Regardless of the draconian used, dragonspawn take on the physical traits of their Overlord, such as colored scales, reptilian eyes, and other alterations. Mechanics-wise it is a template which can be added to a humanoid, monstrous humanoid, or giant from small to large size. They gain a fly speed, natural weapons (bite and claws), a breath weapon in line with its Overlord creator, and unique death throes which are explosions which deal the same type of energy damage.

They took the name of Irda to differentiate themselves from the twisted ogres. Twisted Ogres [ ] The curse that turned the original ogres into their current shape gave them tremendous strength as well as a tendency to go berserk.

Bad damage, but a powerful save or suck spell to unleash at the right time. Divine Retribution is a 9th-level cleric spell where the caster specifies an energy type. Any harmful effect of that type (breath weapon, spell, etc) dealt to her is converted to holy/unholy damage and reflected back upon the attacker.

They must keep their affiliation secret, for they are welcomed nowhere. His favored weapon is the heavy flail, and his domains are Destruction, Evil, and Pestilence. Nuitari is the Lawful Evil god of magic and the Wizards of the Black Robes. He gains followers by promising them more power than Solinari or Lunitari can give, and that magic is to be secret and coveted from the unworthy, and to use it for personal benefit. His moon is invisible, a black hole in the night sky, to all but the Wizards who follow him. The Black Robes claim that their moon's radiance is the brightest of them all.

Treachery domain's unique feature is that you effectively gain the sneak attack of a rogue once per day on a flat-footed melee attack. It's domain spells draw from multiple sources and are entrapment and deception based (glibness, magic jar, undetectable alignment as a 1st-level spell!). Overall I most enjoyed the Storm and Forge domains, as they're very versatile and broad enough in focus that I can see them being used in other settings with little trouble.

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