Bam, 10 minutes later, a shiny new ID. Well that's NOT how it works in California. I should have guessed there would be bullshit; which is the primary export of this piece of flame ridden garbage of a state. The whore at the counter took my Wisconsin license and PUNCHED A FUCKING HOLE IN IT RIGHT OVER MY BIRTH DATE. Then she printed out a ratty piece of paper, gave it to me, and said 'your new license will be in your mailbox in two weeks.'

  1. Ca Driver's License Renewal
  2. Punched Hole In Driver's License When Voting
  3. Sample Ca Driver's License Tests

Your License Will No Longer be Punched. The law no longer authorizes the police officer to mark your Washington state driver's license or permit to drive, by punching a hole in it. When I got my P's (Provisional Driver Licence) they punched a hole in my L's (Learner Driver Licence) in a place where none of the information i.e. DOB is obscured.

I found this in calguns forums from user rickd427; Quote: Originally Posted by JDay View Post Yes. But it's entered as an ID and not a DL. There is a difference. Issue and expiration dates are usually different on them. Your ID also cannot be suspended. ^^^THIS^^^ But also please note a minor distinction.

Is the address 'current'? If from PA and the hole implies they got another state's DL - why? If your CS staff would ask a simple question, you wouldn't be left wondering - 'Hey why the hole?' Each State can do what it wants with it's DL's and other's if issuing a new one.

About a month ago I bought a firearm (PPT) and they would not accept: 1. My vehicle registration because they were both renewals (I had just renewed both vehicles) - it's the same address as my license - nor 2. Either of my most recent utility bills (gas & electric) because I had used the bottom parts to pay the bills (you rip off the bottom and send it back with your check) - even though my name, address and dates of the bill are clearly visible on the remaining portion. Then the youngster behind the counter (must have been his 21st b'day and 1st day of work - or at least he looked it) commented on my veteran's cap saying he wished he could have joined but he has flat feet or something.

Relax, you'll get your valid DL soon Well, that is IF the DMV gets it right. I went for seven months with no license, due to their screw ups, and the fact that the local DMV office that processed my paperwork was closed for remodeling of the facility. After I was finally able to get a couple of paper extensions, I started using my then current CCW as a form of picture ID, even though it clearly stated on the card that it was not a valid form of ID. When my vehicle was totaled in a traffic collision (hit from behind), the nice traffic officer who happened upon the scene thought it was funny, and simply shook his head at the endless buffoonery that is the DMV. That you were denied DROS is just another example of what is wrong here. Good luck, and I hope you get your license soon. Well, that is IF the DMV gets it right.

I believe a utility bill will not suffice for the feds, though it would for CA, if your DL or CA ID CARD does not recite your current residence address. Just be aware that the address that you swear to on the DROS must be your current residence address and if your registration matches your old address on your driver's license, and that is NOT your current residence address, you may be in for some problems, or, at the least, you may have to show them other proof of residence, e.g., a lease or current utility bill, etc. They want to know and require proof of where you currently reside, so they know where to find you.

TSA recommends you to arrive at least two hours in advance of your flight time to allow ample time for security screening and boarding the aircraft. They did this with me once, because I'm a dumbass - left my DL and tribal ID at my ma's house accidentally, and didn't have my passport on me. The head TSA dude pulled me aside and asked me a series of questions for about 15 minutes that (apparently) proved my identity, and then I was allowed to board the plane with my husband and kids, no problem. I know the TSA gets a mountain of shit talked about them, plenty of which is probably deserved, but - that guy was efficient and professional and did right by me. I wonder if maybe giving them a call and letting them know you're coming wouldn't be a good idea?

Honestly, I think we navel gaze (second guess ourselves) too much about these regs. Just follow the letter of the law.

To play Devil's Advocate most procedures I have seen state 'unexpired drivers license' and not valid drivers license. And even A bank using documentary methods to verify a customer’s identity must have procedures that set forth the minimum acceptable documentation. The CIP rule gives examples of types of documents that have long been considered primary sources of identification. The rule reflects the federal banking agencies’ expectations that banks will review an unexpired government-issued form of identification from most customers. I would not suggest that anyone accept ID that is not valid but would it be acceptable by policy? Ozya - you are in PA and the DL is from PA. These are rhetorical questions to think about.

Paper Identification Documents – Identity of the signer can be established by the notary public’s reasonable reliance on the presentation of any one of the following documents, if the identification document is current or has been issued within five years (Civil Code section 1185(b)(3) and (4)): 1. An identification card or driver’s license issued by the California Department of Motor Vehicles; But this is for notaries and not the DOJ. The only thing a dealer is allowed to accept per Penal Code Section 16400 is: (a) A valid California driver’s license; or (b) A valid California identification card.

*I brought my passport and they promptly told me to put it away as they could not accept it as a form of ID. Well, that is IF the DMV gets it right.

I wonder if maybe giving them a call and letting them know you're coming wouldn't be a good idea?

If not, come up with another government -issued document, e.g. A ham radio license, perhaps a federal hunting license that recites your current residence address. As to the foregoing, your DL can be used for identity but if it does not recite your current residence address you MUST come up with another government-issued document that does so. I believe a utility bill will not suffice for the feds, though it would for CA, if your DL or CA ID CARD does not recite your current residence address. Just be aware that the address that you swear to on the DROS must be your current residence address and if your registration matches your old address on your driver's license, and that is NOT your current residence address, you may be in for some problems, or, at the least, you may have to show them other proof of residence, e.g., a lease or current utility bill, etc.

The trick for next time is to just say you lost your license and need a replacement. AFAIK it costs the same and they won't hole punch your current license leaving you high and dry. Doesn't help much now, though. Edit: last time I paid attention they state they won't issue a new ID for change of address. Fl studio registration code generator

Well, that is IF the DMV gets it right. I went for seven months with no license, due to their screw ups, and the fact that the local DMV office that processed my paperwork was closed for remodeling of the facility. After I was finally able to get a couple of paper extensions, I started using my then current CCW as a form of picture ID, even though it clearly stated on the card that it was not a valid form of ID. When my vehicle was totaled in a traffic collision (hit from behind), the nice traffic officer who happened upon the scene thought it was funny, and simply shook his head at the endless buffoonery that is the DMV. That you were denied DROS is just another example of what is wrong here. Good luck, and I hope you get your license soon. Obama should add that to his list of things easier to get than a gun besides vegetables and books.

I had a long hard day at work, and I'm out of booze (it was my 23rd birthday this past weekend). I went to the local Ralph's to buy some Captain Morgan's delicious god damned rum. I was denied. Here's the back story. I gave into this shit hole of a state a week ago when I went to apply for my California license. I'd hate to be shit out of luck when some foreigner year ends me in a year down in Hollywood and oh FUCK, still have a WI license.

My driver license was not expired, but it had my old address on it. Apparently you cannot get a renewal online if it hasn't expired but have to do it in person.

A place to ask simple legal questions. Advice here is for informational purposes only and should not be considered final or official advice.

Ca Driver's License Renewal

This ruling may come within 2 weeks, or it can take over a year from the date to the hearing. The ruling will either sustain the suspension or revocation (you lose) or it will rescind the proposed suspension or revocation (you win).

I vaguely recall that evidence must reasonably show identity and age in another area of the code when it comes to DROS. Perhaps I am mistaken. Wouldn't a valid passport also suffice, despite the language in 16400? What is the corresponding statute that requires such clear evidence of a person's age and identity? I vaguely recall that evidence must reasonably show identity and age in another area of the code when it comes to DROS. Perhaps I am mistaken.

I would not suggest that anyone accept ID that is not valid but would it be acceptable by policy? Ozya - you are in PA and the DL is from PA.

You may be subject to additional screening. You will not be allowed to fly if your identity cannot be confirmed, you chose to not provide proper identification or you decline to cooperate with the identity verification process. TSA recommends you to arrive at least two hours in advance of your flight time to allow ample time for security screening and boarding the aircraft.

Under those circumstances, the employer must sign a declaration under penalty of perjury. Washington’s DUI laws now constitute a complex matrix of choices that must be made by a driver almost immediately after a DUI arrest if the choices are to be made intelligently. Therefore, a should be consulted immediately after a DUI arrest so that you can be sure you have not missed any mandatory deadline affecting your privilege to drive. Call Jon Fox at the Fox Law Firm PLLC (425) 274-9190.

Does someone suddenly lose 5 years when a hole is punched in their CDL? If so, someone punch mine a few times Firearms purchases I can understand because in addition to identification it is also proof of residence. But if it has a hole punched, then it obviously was not revoked/suspended (would have been confiscated), and that hole doesn't change a person's age or identity. You don't make the rules. But questions to ask at the next class They don't always confiscate it when it's suspended. Use your passport book or passport card for ID, and a vehicle registration or utility bill to prove residency.

I went for seven months with no license, due to their screw ups, and the fact that the local DMV office that processed my paperwork was closed for remodeling of the facility. After I was finally able to get a couple of paper extensions, I started using my then current CCW as a form of picture ID, even though it clearly stated on the card that it was not a valid form of ID. When my vehicle was totaled in a traffic collision (hit from behind), the nice traffic officer who happened upon the scene thought it was funny, and simply shook his head at the endless buffoonery that is the DMV. That you were denied DROS is just another example of what is wrong here. Good luck, and I hope you get your license soon. Good grief, 7 months.

I was horrified and speechless. I KNEW that the shitty piece of paper wouldn't hold up.

If they do not recite your current residence address, you will have to come up with another government-issued document that recites your current residence address. Your registration should recite your current residence address. If you belong to AAA, they can give you a printout for a fee that contains it.

Punched Hole In Driver's License When Voting

I was told at the DMV and also on the phone that the hole punch basically disallows me to drive with it apart from the interim paper license and that the hole punched license is now just a picture ID. That being said, the requirements for the DROS state that it needs to be a valid california ID. As an ID my driver license is unexpired and still valid but not as a driver licenese.

Sample Ca Driver's License Tests

Ghazals That terminology is often applied because it's easily understood (kinda like the DOJ's use of 'Possession of a large-capacity magazine' to indicate a violation of 32310 PC), even if not completely accurate. What is suspended is the person's 'Driving Privilege.' The distinction becomes significant when folks who never possessed a license, or who possess a foreign license, commit an act that results in the loss of their 'driving privilege.' End quote from Rickd427 I've seen similar threads but nothing addressing this particular issue. I tried calling the DOJ with no answer and called the CA DMV who told me that I can use the license now as a picture ID. Anyone know where I can print out this distinction in CA law and perhaps persuade my shop to accept my current id or do I just need to wait (which is an incovenience but i'll live). I also would like to know for curiosity sake.

You don't make the rules. But questions to ask at the next class Nope your CDL is not proof of residence, but you must gave a valid livense to purchase. Why would this be a concern to ABC?

In January, 2009, a new Washington State DUI law became effective which is called the “Ignition Interlock Law.” Pursuant to this law, an individual can avoid the loss of license if he or she is willing to drive with an ignition interlock device installed on their car for the length of the suspension. The law permits an individual to apply for an “Ignition Interlock License” (ILL) even before any suspension has started, whether the suspension is imposed pursuant to administrative action or pursuant to a conviction for DUI. It is important to note, however, that if you apply for an ignition interlock license the law provides that you waive your right to appeal the administrative suspension. In some cases, this means that a driver would be agreeing, in essence, to the imposition of an ignition interlock requirement for a period of 90 days or up to two years (depending upon the record) for any personal vehicle you drive. If an individual has an ignition interlock license, there is an exception for vehicles owned by an employer and driven by an employee in the course of employment.

I went for seven months with no license, due to their screw ups, and the fact that the local DMV office that processed my paperwork was closed for remodeling of the facility. After I was finally able to get a couple of paper extensions, I started using my then current CCW as a form of picture ID, even though it clearly stated on the card that it was not a valid form of ID. When my vehicle was totaled in a traffic collision (hit from behind), the nice traffic officer who happened upon the scene thought it was funny, and simply shook his head at the endless buffoonery that is the DMV. That you were denied DROS is just another example of what is wrong here.

The only thing a dealer is allowed to accept per Penal Code Section 16400 is: (a) A valid California driver’s license; or (b) A valid California identification card. A California identification card is not just any ID issued by the DMV that doesn't happen to be a valid California driver’s license, it is a specific thing that says 'California identification card' at the top. What you had is a California driver’s license that was no longer valid, not a California identification card. The dealer cannot accept that as “clear evidence of the person’s identity and age.” thanks for the clarification. Strange how I can notarize any document with an expired / punched driver license but the doj can't. The name of the document is California Driver License, not driver's license (possessive), or drivers license (plural). Yes, it's a driver's Driver License, or a person's Driver License, or a resident's Driver License, but the name of the document is Driver License.

These hearings are predicated upon the fact that if you operate a motor vehicle in this state you are deemed to have given consent, to a test or tests of your breath or blood for the purpose of determining the alcohol concentration or the presence of any drug in your breath or blood. This is contingent upon the fact that at the time of your arrest, the officer has reasonable grounds (probable cause) to believe you had been driving (or in actual physical control) of a motor vehicle while under the influence of intoxicating liquor or any drug. If you refuse the breath or blood test request, which you have a right to do, the police can obtain a search warrant for your breath or blood.

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